The Thread of Life
/Life begins and ends in a world of infinite possibilities. How do I ever truly know what direction to follow? I don't know that anyone can ever be completely certain of anything. The world seems like it is upside down to me sometimes. All of the unrest, the violence, the very earth upon which I walk crying out for care. How do I learn to live into an uncertain future?
And even as I write these words, I wonder if that is completely true? There does seem to be a kind of knowing that we tap into in our quiet moments. A subtle sense of being invited into the conversation of life.
It seems to me that it all comes down to a matter of trust. Trusting the innate wisdom of the body. The container, the structure that holds us, the thing that makes us human. Learning how to sense the subtle energetic movements of the body by listening deeply, and then courageously acting from that place of trust from moment to moment.
It does not seem to me to be so much about trusting if I do this or say that, everything will turn out the way I planned. Rather, trusting that life holds me, and there is always something to learn from taking an action, and staying curious about the feedback I receive. It is kind of like adjusting a sail in the wind. It requires a slowing down, a kind of inner attentiveness that can be cultivated over time.
That is what IntegratingDNA is really about. Learning how to follow the thread that runs through the that in the end, I will know I did my best to allow myself to be weaved into the tapestry of life.