Unity and Separation
Individual and Community
From the first moment of life, we are on a journey of holding the tension between Unification and Separation
In order to discover what works in the arena of evolutionary expansion, awakening, “higher consciousness” or coming closer to God or the Divine through religious or spiritual practices, I believe it is important to notice how we hold the experience of paradox. Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine, Yin and Yang, forces which seemingly opposed to one another in their difference, yet inextricably related. The Sacred Geometrical Figure of the Vesica Piscis or Vesica Pisces and the Law of Two represents the cycles of wholeness, separation, and re-union.
We separate from the wholeness of the Divine at birth, while unifying our parents and their ancestors through our DNA at the moment of incarnation. We are separated from our mother’s body when we are born and join the human race. We separate from our bodies when we die and unite with the world of the unseen.
In the book, How the World Is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry, John Michell explains the vesica piscis, “represents the conjunction of two opposites…who finally come together after their separation and refinement apart. Without losing their individualities or merging into one, they find their point of balance and are creative together.”
How this relates to consciousness and/or our ability to achieve a greater awareness seems to be dependent on our ability to hold the space in between the polarities until they balance themselves out. There can be a period of “stress” as we ride the waves of imbalance to get align again to wholeness.
Has anyone every said to you, “It will all work itself out in the end?” Perhaps when we take some time to allow things to come to balance, we may be more creative?