The most important part the game seems to be the conditions of satisfaction: Who gets to decide? And for whom?
On whose behalf are you creating? To what end? What is Our purpose? Our raison d'etre? Our reason for BEING?Are we all aligned? we may not agree, but are we aligned? Do we know how we are related by the way we are relating? And do we have the courage and curiosity to keep asking the questions?
Actually, you don't even need research. You can bring to mind an event that "shocked" you, and re-member that feeling in your body. We can learn how to hold the shock of stimuli. Maybe it doesn't stay stuck then? Maybe it just flows. Or maybe it gets stuck until erupts into another BIG BANGmoment? Have you ever done that out of Anger? When something precious was violated?
As the world evolves and changes, we see so much disruption in the world. I often wonder if breakdowns really do lead to breakthroughs? The body is an open system, a semi-permeable membrane. It has a wisdom and intelligence if we learn how to interpret it's signals. Feeling the profound grief in the world can be a testament to how very much we love it. It is amazing how the darkest times can add depth and texture to the experiences of our lives.
to There are ways to keep the space around the HEART-OPEN. A wise membrane keeps the Cell of the Heart Nourished. It supports the organism to keep itself at optimal functioning.
How do we know when we are are at Optimal Functioning? Do we ever, REALLY know? What seems to support living with an open heart is to hold the instrument tenderly, feel the pulse, and rotate gently.
And oh yeah, don't forget to BREATHE
How do we learn to hold love and fear at the same time? How do we absorb the "shocks" life brings us and remain grounded in our bodies?
““My body’s been touched a thousand or more times but I am craving something so much deeper than that ~ I desire to be felt, right down to the core of my soul and the corners of my heart. That’s what love is about isn’t it ~ cracking yourself open to the possibility that it could change your life.”