the Stories of our Lives
What Thread are we following?
Is it leading us HOME?
This website is a dedication to families everywhere who have suffered from some kind of chronic illness in their families.
It is the work of nurse educator, Lynne Palazzolo and those to whom her life has touched, and those live who have made her into the person she continues to become.
Lynne Palazzolo
Cincinnati, Ohio
San Francisco Bay Area
IntegratingDNA [at]
Get Involved! Sign up for our newsletter, ask about hosting or teaching a class or event, or contact Lynne about collaborative creative work in the spirit of healing and positive change!
We are creating projects and programs that explore the inter-relatedness of life, and a new paradigm for the concept of family. Explore our web site for related classes and information.
Web site content © 2017 by IntegratingDNA. All Rights Reserved.